2019 Karnataka Flood

On 1 August 2019 1st week, due to heavy rainfall in the Monsoon season, severe flood affected the southern Indian State of Karnataka. As a security measure in the prevailing situation of heavy rains, India Meteorological Department issued Red alert to several regions of coastal and malnad regions of Karnataka state.

Thousands of people were evacuated to safer places and relief camps. A total of 61 people have been killed and seven lakh have been displaced. As of 14 August 2019, Over 6.97 lakh people were evacuated.

VIQAYA Volunteers are Serviced those areas

കർണാടകയിലെ ചാർ മാടി താലൂക്കിൽ ഉരുൾപൊട്ടി
പാലം തകർന്നു പോയപ്പോൾ

41 വീട്ടുകാർക്ക് വേണ്ടി താൽക്കാലിക പാലം നിർമ്മിക്കുന്ന കഗിജന്‍ ക്ലാസറ്ററിലെ വിഖായ പ്രവർത്തകർ